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Uncover the latest industry data and insights, impacting women in entrepreneurship, and underpinning programs like Enterprising ME.

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An image shows two booklets titled "Young women and entrepreneurship." One booklet is open, revealing sections about the impact of COVID-19 on young women in business, with a photo of a woman using a laptop. The other booklet is closed, featuring an image of women collaborating on business ideas for women.

Report #1 – Young women and entrepreneurship

Gender inequality in entrepreneurship and STEM represents a significant missed opportunity for Australia’s economy.

Women are severely underrepresented as entrepreneurs with just one female entrepreneur for every 1.8 males. There is a larger gap between male and female entrepreneurs in Australia than other OECD countries.

An open report titled "The Untapped Potential of Entrepreneurial Women" by Enterprise Ireland. The cover showcases a woman beside a whiteboard, featuring icons of a laptop, building, and light bulb. Inside pages highlight starting a business with text, graphs, and photos of women working on laptops.

Report #2 – The untapped potential of entrepreneurial women

A national research report exploring the enterprising mindset of women in their 40s and 50s.

This research helps to complete a picture on female entrepreneurship that was first formed when 89 Degrees East and the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) collaborated on research into entrepreneurship among women aged between 18 and 24 years in 2021.

The image shows two booklets. The first booklet, opened to section one, features people in pink shirts on the left page and informational diagrams on the right. The second booklet is titled "Independent Evaluation of the Academy for Enterprising Girls and Accelerator for Enterprising Women," including a mention of a "$30,000 Kickstarter Challenge" on the cover—highlighting innovative business ideas for women.

Report #3 – Independent Evaluation of the Academy for Enterprising Girls and Accelerator for Enterprising Women

Did you know that for every 1.8 male entrepreneurs in Australia there’s only 1 female? If this figure was equal, Australia’s Gross Value Added (GVA) could be $400B higher per year, according to the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman.

The Accelerator for Enterprising Women program was designed to address this issue head-on. Whilst it’s still early days, we know it’s pushing things in exactly the right direction.

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A geometric pattern featuring a square divided into four triangles. The triangles alternate blue and black in a windmill-like arrangement, with the blue triangles forming an X shape across the square's diagonals, and the black triangles filling the remaining space – much like innovative business ideas for women creating symmetries in entrepreneurship.