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What's in a name? Naming your business, the "Dos" & "Don'ts"


Naming your new business can feel like a daunting task. You want it to stand out, but you don’t want to get so weird and wild that no one knows what your business is about. But there is a method that will help you get there. With the DTF approach, you’ll nail that business name while missing some time wasting traps.

D is for Domain

Don’t forget the importance of a domain when choosing your business name. Will you be able to create a domain that matches your new business name? Having a website is like having your own little corner of the internet, so you want to make sure it’s easy to find. Check if your dream domain is available not just in Australia, but in other parts of the world too. You can do a little detective work right here: Check Domain Availability. That way, when your business takes off, your online home will be ready and waiting.

T is for Trademark™️

Now, trademarks seem boring but they are important. You wouldn’t want someone else snatching your business name right out from under you, right? So, make sure it’s not already trademarked by someone else. Even if they’re not using it, they might be holding onto it like a treasure. To avoid any legal cha-chas, shimmy on over to Trademarkia and give that name a search.

F is for Fantastic Flexibility!

Last but not least, let’s talk flexibility – it’s like yoga for your business name! Imagine naming your business something super specific like “T-Shirts.” But what if one day you decide to rock out with jumpers, hats, or even funky socks? You’d be stuck in a name that’s too niche for your awesome ideas! Keep things loose and breezy by choosing a name that can adapt as your business grows. It’s like giving your business a wardrobe that can handle any style evolution.

An entrepreneur with painted nails holds a smartphone in one hand and has the other hand resting on a laptop keyboard. A USB drive is plugged into the laptop, symbolizing the tech-savvy nature of starting a business. The background features a wooden surface.
The image showcases three cans of Kara Meta products—Wattleseed Hot Chocolate, Aba's Tea, and Abau Nabu Chai—arranged on a surface. A spoon rests in a ceramic cup nearby, with tea leaves scattered in front. Green plants surround the setup, celebrating the creativity of women in business.
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Now, those are the Do’s and while we love to stay positive, here are some super quick Don’ts:


Don’t Mess with Spelling

Imagine customers trying to search for your business online but getting tangled up in a spelling nightmare. That’s a no-no! Don’t use complex spellings, weird punctuation, or overly long words. Keep it simple and easy to spell. You’re not giving a spelling bee challenge – you’re inviting people to discover your amazing products or services.


Don’t Ignore the Competition

You’ve got to scope out the neighborhood before you set up shop, right? Well, the same goes for business names. Don’t choose a name that’s too similar to existing businesses, especially if they’re in the same industry. You want your name to stand out, not get lost in a sea of similar-sounding options.


Don’t Go Overboard with Acronyms

Acronyms can be handy, but only if they’re easy to understand and remember. Avoid creating a jumble of letters that leaves people scratching their heads. Keep it simple and make sure your acronym actually represents your business.


Don’t Skip the Feedback Step

It’s always a good idea to get a second opinion. Don’t skip the step of getting feedback from friends, family, or potential customers about your business name. Sometimes, an outside perspective can catch something you missed.

You're well on your way!

Alright, my friend, there you have it – the “dos” and “don’ts” of business naming. Avoid these traps, and you’ll be well on your way to picking a name that’s as fabulous and unique as your business itself. You’ve got the smarts to make it happen, so go out there and conquer the naming game!

As women in business, managing our energy effectively is essential for success and overall well-being. By implementing the above strategies, you will be on your way to not only protecting but elevating your personal energy.

Jessica Ritchie

Jessica Ritchie is the founder of Transformational Brand Lab, an award-winning Brand & Marketing Expert, Speaker, Business Mentor, and a six-time international award-winning best-selling author. Over the course of 17 years, she has collaborated with Australia’s leading brands, assisting organisations, leaders, and teams in making their mark in the world, sparking change, and igniting their true potential. Her expertise and guidance empower individuals and businesses to leave the legacy they deserve, personally and professionally.

Some more tips: